Ultimo aliento.

Entre la tragedia se han inspirados mis torpes letras, sean ustedes bienvenidos...

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Boa - Drinking

You say the drinking is better than a woman
And you say the thinking takes too much time
Well God save your children should you have them
For, to you, there's nothing if there's no wine

Oh you have so much more
Oh where has your time gone
Oh where has your time gone
Oh you have so much more

You sing like an angel
Your voice melts my heart
Your words are wisdom
Your life has been hard
And, should you ever wonder
Where all the time has gone,
You'll find the answer
Far away from home

Oh you have so much more
Oh where has your time gone

And I don't want to see you like this
When you're crawling please
don't you weep
'Cause I will shape the day
And make you feel all right

But you say the drinking is better than a woman
And you say the thinking
Takes too much time
You sing like a siren
Your voice breaks my heart
And when you are crying
Your tears are like wine

Oh you have so much more
And I don't want to see you like this
When you crawling

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Tantas formas.

Tantas formas encontré en mi memoria, que no distinguía la naturaleza de mi historia. Colores sin luz, aromas sin esencia, y sobre el cielo un infinito cosmos de medulas sin carne. Pues el que esta olvidado, ya hace solo y en la soledad se encuentra acompañado por el vacío; cual pintor sin aceites, cual poeta sin tinta, bajo la inspiración del oscuro incierto.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

El arte del desnudo.

Apreciarlo con algo mas que el corazón, con algo mas que la mente... sentir el espíritu moviéndose entre la carne, sudando el alma por la piel.